Rhymes with Reason Student Experience

A literacy tool that teaches vocabulary via popular song lyrics.

My Role       UX/UI Designer
Timeline      1 year
Tools            Figma
Rhymes with Reason student experience screen


Project Goal

Completely redesign the student experience in a way that is more user friendly and looks more visually appealing to the target user group.


Our users are 225,000+ middle school and high school students across North America. They show interest in being creative and want learning to be fun and enjoyable.

Final Design

The final design features different vocabulary exercises in a horizontal card format. The dark background and colors used throughout are designed to appeal to middle and high school users.

Learn Vocabulary

Students familiarize themselves with a unit's vocabulary words by answering various question types.

Use Creativity

Students can use the vocabulary words they just learned to write a rap and perform for their classmates.


Students receive badges as they reach different milestones.
View the full Figma prototype here.


Initial Design

When I started on this redesign, the existing platform was functional, but not tailored to the needs and wants of the target user group, middle school and high school students. I met with the CEO, marketing team, and developers to discuss the pain points of the existing design and come up with design requirements for the redesigned platform.

Pain Points
Design Requirements
  • Not identifiable as Rhymes with Reason due to grays and yellows, which aren't in the branding guide
  • While functional, this design does not appeal to the target user group
  • Feels empty and bare-bones due to white space
  • Utilize brand colors of black, pink, and green more effectively
  • Gamify the lessons in order to encourage learning in a fun way
  • Make better use of the horizontal desktop space



The first step in my design process was to create some low-fidelity wireframes to visualize layout variations. After discussing these wireframes with the rest of the team, we decided to move forward with a horizontal card layout. Each card prominently features the song and lyric information on the left side and the vocabulary exercises on the right.


After speaking to a few teachers who use Rhymes with Reason in their classrooms we learned that giving students badges could help motivate them to progress through their lessons and do well on their quizzes. Based on teacher feedback, we came up with 3 categories of badges with unique names and images for each badge.

EPs completed
  • Rookie
  • Local Hero
  • Rockstar
  • Legend
  • G.O.A.T.
Quizzes above 90%
  • Shower Singer
  • Talent Show
  • Local Venue
  • Music Festival
  • Stadium Tour
Quizzes above average
  • Streaming Artist
  • Verified Artist
  • Viral Sensation
  • Chart Topper
  • Award Winner


Iterative Prototyping

I wanted to create a design that appealed to the target user group's desire for fun while looking cohesive and professional when presenting to future partners. I created various design iterations and played around with how the brand colors could best be incorporated. After discussing the iterations with different members of the Rhymes with Reason team, we felt that the design with the black background was the perfect intersection of fun and professional.

Final Prototype

With the colors and layout finalized, the last step in my design process was to create final designs for each of the 9 question types that users would come across.

Key Changes

  1. The horizontal card format makes better use of the desktop space.
  2. Utilizing the brand colors more effectively gives the product a more youthful and energetic feel.
  3. Designing and incorporating badges gives students more incentive to do well as they learn new vocabulary.